NASA's Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024, with plans to establish a sustainable presence on the lunar surface by the end of the decade. NASA plans to send the first woman and the next man to the Moon as part of the Artemis program.

The crew for the first Artemis mission, called Artemis I, will consist of four astronauts who will fly on the Orion spacecraft on a mission around the Moon. The mission is scheduled to launch in November 2021, but this timeline is subject to change.

The crew for the first Artemis mission to land on the Moon, called Artemis III, has not been announced yet. NASA has stated that it plans to send the first woman to the Moon as part of this mission. The timeline for Artemis III has also not been announced yet, but NASA aims to land humans on the Moon by 2024.


The selection process for NASA astronauts is highly competitive and involves several stages. Here is an overview of the selection process for NASA astronauts:

Basic Requirements: To be considered for the astronaut program, candidates must meet certain basic requirements, such as being a U.S. citizen, having a bachelor's degree in a STEM field, and having at least three years of relevant professional experience.

Application and Initial Screening: Candidates submit their applications through the NASA Astronaut Candidate Program website. Applications are then screened for basic qualifications, and those who meet the minimum requirements move on to the next stage.

Assessment and Interviews: Candidates who pass the initial screening are invited to NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, for a week-long assessment that includes interviews, medical evaluations, and other tests.

Selection: Based on the results of the assessments and interviews, a selection board chooses the most qualified candidates to become astronauts. Those who are selected undergo two years of training before becoming eligible for spaceflight assignments.

For specific missions, the selection process for crew members is typically led by the mission manager and involves a review of the crew's qualifications, experience, and skills. The crew is selected based on a variety of factors, including their ability to work well as a team, their technical expertise, and their ability to perform the specific tasks required for the mission. The final crew selection is typically made by NASA leadership based on recommendations from the mission manager and other experts.
