LeBron James is generally known for his sportsmanship and his advocacy for social justice issues, but he has had a few moments of unsportsmanlike behavior on the court. Here are some examples:

Flopping - James has been criticized for exaggerating contact in order to draw fouls or get calls from officials. This tactic, known as "flopping," is considered unsportsmanlike by many fans and analysts.

Arguing with referees - Like many players, James has been known to argue with referees when he disagrees with their calls. While this behavior is not necessarily unsportsmanlike, it can sometimes cross the line into disrespectful or confrontational territory.

Leaving the court early - In 2014, James was criticized for leaving the court before the end of a game in which his Miami Heat team was losing to the San Antonio Spurs. Some saw this as a sign of poor sportsmanship, while others defended James by noting that the game was already out of reach and he was simply trying to avoid further injury.

It's worth noting that James has also been involved in many positive sportsmanship moments during his career, including helping up opposing players who have fallen and congratulating opponents after hard-fought games. Like all athletes, he is not perfect and has had some moments of unsportsmanlike behavior, but he has also demonstrated a commitment to fair play and respect for the game throughout his career
